Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The love she lost

The whole consciousness of my life lorn, my love lost, my hope quenched, my faith death-struck, swayed full and mighty above in one sullen mass. (301)

In this part of the novel, Jane Eyre is depressed because she found out about Mr.Rochester's old marriage. She is sad and very confused due to the fact that she still loves him and Mr.Rochester loves her. But she cannot love him, he's already married, but her heart doesn't understand that. She doesn't want to be viewed as Mr.Rochester's second wife. It will change her reputation and although she'll be happy with him she would be viewed differently from everybody else. She never thought that would happen to her in mass, the moment her life was suppose to change for good just back fired on her and became the moment where she lost her love, Mr.Rochester. I think that she's making a good decision here because she can't change her reputation for bad, especially the way her life has been going. Although she is sad her heart will recover and it will grow stronger. But until then, she has to live her life and try to recover from this great loss.

Here's a link that will take you to a picture of a heart that is broken. In this picture, I quickly saw the emotion and feeling of the heart broken.

Cassandra, a classmate of mine talks about forgiving Mr.Rochester. This relates to my blog because it also talks about how Jane felt in this situation.


  1. Was her leaving really the best thing to do? She ran away, didn't take much with her, and forgot the only money she had in the coach. Then she ended up sleeping outside in the cold and got very sick and weak, because she didn't have any food. All of that and the fact that she's heart broken doesn't seem to be working out for her. She should have taken her time in deciding what to do so she could come up with a more rational decision. What could she do recover? Leaving sounds like a good idea, but she should have done a better job at planning things out.

  2. I think that Jane did the correct thing by leaving Mr. Rochester. Her morales and values won't allow her to be the other woman, but this doesn't change one key detail. She still loves him, and love makes people (all people) do crazy things.

  3. There was a specific part of your blog that jumped out at me. "It will change her reputation and although she'll be happy with him she would be viewed differently from everybody else." I've often been told that when you are truly in love others opinions shouldn't matter. You shouldn't care what others think of you or your companion; your bond with them is too strong to be broken by the petty opinion of others. Yet you don't seem to believe this. Do you believe that Jane leaving Mr.Rochester was the smartest choice? Was leaving the love of her life the best thing to do? Sure her reputation will be saved, but her heart will be broken. What do you think is more important to Jane her reputation and pride, or love and happiness?

  4. I think it will take a long time for Jane's heart to recover. She finally found someone to love and to love her, but not everything is meant to be. I think everything happens for a reason, so what will the future bring her? Will she ever find that true happiness she desires or will she keep on suffering like she has her whole life? Let's just hope everything works out for her and she can reach that state of happiness.

  5. Great quote Alan. Well i agree with Lizett. I don't think that Jane really thought about what she was doing before she did it. Jane was so sad and confused that she decided to run away from her fears, but is that always the best thing to do? I really think that Jane should have done something, but she shouldn't have run away.
