In chapter 21 after 8 years have passed, Jane talks to Mrs. Reed. Jane makes it very clear that she forgives Mrs. Reed for treating her badly as a child, but Mrs. Reed held a grudge all those years. Jane Eyre's uncle had written a card to Jane 3 years ago. It said that he was well-off money wise, but he had no heir. He wanted to adopt Jane. This would have been a wonderful opportunity for Jane, but Mrs. Reed never gave her the letter and even told Jane's uncle that Jane had died. When Mrs. Reed finally told Jane of the letter, Jane asked why she had never given it to her. Mrs. Reed replied:
Because I disliked you too fixedly and thoroughly ever to lend a hand in lifting you to prosperity. I could not forget your conduct to me, Jane—the fury with which you once turned on me; the tone in which you declared you abhorred me the worst of any body in the world; the unchild-like look and voice with which you affirmed that the very thought of me made you sick, and asserted that I had treated you with miserable cruelty. I could not forget my own sensations when you thus started up and poured out the venom of your mind: I felt fear, as if an animal that I had struck or pushed had looked up at me with human eyes and cursed me in a man's voice.—Bring me some water! Oh, make haste!
This stood out to me because I couldn't believe that Jane, when she was still a young girl, said something to Mrs. Reed that stuck with her for so many years. Mrs. Reed kept in all this resentment towards Jane; she never forgave her. Jane said she would always hate Mrs. Reed, but ended up forgiving her when she saw all that had happened while she was gone. Yet, Mrs. Reed, a grown woman, was still cruel to her after all these years.
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