Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mental Implants

“Even after the lights had gone up, while they were shuffling slowly along with the crowd toward the lifts, its ghost still fluttered against her lips. Still traced fine shuddering roads of anxiety and pleasure across her skin.”(Huxley 169)

There are certain concepts or ideas that we are exposed, sometimes in an everyday basis, that can shape our mentality a long time after we are no longer being exposed to that thing. One high example of this is the movies and their great power to attract audiences of all ages. These audiences are attracted simply because they know they will be entertained, but in the process of being entertained, many times they are being implanted with ideas that like a seed will not grow instantly, but in the future it will produce much fruit. As I have described before in my previous blog, Brave New Word focuses a lot in influencing people through their media and the above quote is a perfect example of what happens to one when an idea or scene has been perfectly implanted in ones memory. A great example of this in my life has been my exposure, by means of my Spanish teacher, to Michael Moore's latest documentary SYCO. This film investigates the idea of free social health-care around the world an why it has not been possible here in the United States. The film trashes republican and shows how great free health-care is with great examples and evidence. However only this side of the story is shown. It is not said what are the disadvantages of this reform or explain why republicans are against it. At first, this movie made a reaction in me of making me look at republicans as the bad guys and democrats as the good guys. Although I later realized that this is not the case, I know that for many young minds who have not been exposed to politics as much, could have the same problem but not realize that this is not so, and perhaps later on in their life this could end up influencing their vote, which could in turn end up influencing the future of an entire nation. Media is extremely influential, but one has to realized what they subconsciously being made to believe and research more about it in order to make true decisions influenced solely by oneself.

Crazy Stunts

One movie that influenced my thinking was Jackass 2. This movie is a comedy about a group of people doing outrageous inappropriate stunts that, in some way or form, hurts themselves or someone else. Some of the things they did throughout the movie aren't harmful to anyone, but are dangerous and sometimes extremely inappropriate.
Even though the things they did was dangerous and inappropriate, I found most of the things they did hilarious, so I was laughing throughout the movie. They were completely mindless throughout the movie doing outrageous things. For example they would let themselves get stung by bees, hit random people with different objects, bullfight, and pretend to be a old man and walk throughout the city (here is a link to the the things they did in Jackass 2). They would do all these extreme things, but it was still funny and kept me laughing.
For a few days after watching the movie, I was in the mindset that doing extreme things with you friends and hurting one another was funny. That doing some of the things would make my friends laugh and we would have a great time because thats what I got out of the movie. Thats what I was thinking for a few days after I saw the movie, because the movie put me in the mindset of doing these things. Such as in Brave New World, during and after watching the feelies, Lenina and John were in the mood for sexual pleasure. The movie influenced them to the point that they want to do what happened throughout the movie. Lenina and John were in the mindset of having sex.
After those few days I started to think about the movie and the things they did throughout the movie. I realized that the things they did were dumb and dangerous. I'm not going to do a stunt that could result in me breaking an arm or even worse. Everything they did in that movie was crazy and outrageous, and I don't have to do those things to make my friends laugh and have a fun time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Peer Pressure

In chapter 11 of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, John and Lenina attend the "feelies" which are sort of like movies. So in a sense, John and Lenina went to the movies for their date. After the feely, John and Lenina realize they like each other but even then they don't tell each other. Lenina was doubtful as to whether John liked her or not, and John refusing to have sex with her only confused her even more. This made Lenina seem sort of desperate to have sex with him maybe because it's the "right" thing to do--at least in the society of Brave New World. Everyone is encouraged to have sex as a way to keep everyone happy, and happiness is the main fundamental of the society making it "the perfect society." Since John is not used to the lifestyle of the people in the society, he doesn't feel the need to have sex right away, making Lenina seem desperate. This made me think about the movie "American Pie." This movie is about four teenage boys that make a pact to lose their virginity before their high school graduation. In this movie, the boys are desperate to have sex and they want to accomplish their goal before they graduate. They are willing to do almost anything to accomplish their goal and this reminded me of desperate Lenina. Just as Lenina wants to have sex, not just because she likes John but also because it's what they're taught or conditioned to do, the boys wanted a taste of what it was like to lose their virginity due to rumors about sex. I think all of this just falls into peer pressure.

Mean Girls

Many of us have watched Mean Girls before. For the ones that have, we know that 90% of what happens in this movie happens in real life. The girls involved in this movie are a bunch of materialistic, fake, "wannabe's", traitors, haters, followers, and mean girls. Most of them fall into one or two categories, some fit in into all of the ones mentioned above. This is one of my ultimate favorite movies, not only because it's amusing, but because what it's shown is so true. High school girls always pretend to be something they are not, they follow the crowd, dress like the crowd, do whatever the crowd does, just to "fit in", simply wannabe's. Following the crowd or the jocks in the school is not always a good idea, as we presence in this movie, we see that the girls get in a big arguement because of the book, where they wrote mean things about people they didn't like. Inocent people where accussed of something they didn't do. Why? Because they were trying to fit in. In Mean Girls it shows from how "your friend" steals your boyfriend and "friends" to just taking your place as the new jock of the school and making you look like a fool.

This movie, made me think about my everyday life. When I used to be in public school I noticed that more than half of the school followed the crowd. No one really showed who they really were. When people are being fake like this, it shows that you really can't trust anyone, or it makes you wonder who can you really trust. I remember not wanting to let my emotions out to anyone because I would always be scared to be the next new gossip in school. This does not necessarly just happens in public school, it happens everywhere! And no matter where, with who you are, always stay true to your self and don't pretend to be someone you're not.

My Sister's Keeper

This movie is about a girl who suffers from leukemia. Her parents have another baby to keep her sister alive. They take blood away from this second baby because she has the same match as her sister. It comes to the point where she has to donate her kidney in order to keep her sister alive. She realizes all that is going on. She realizes that she was just born to save her sister. She doesn't want to donate anymore. So she decides to sue her mother. We later found out that the sick daughter was the one to plan all of this. She wanted her sister to live and knew it was time for her to leave this world.

This made me change my perspective in life. The sick sister could have took advantage of the younger sister but she never did. Her sister is really important to her. Even though she was sick she lived a very normal life. She didn't let her sickness put her down. She still went out and enjoyed her life. Even though we might get sick, to the point where we might eventually die we shouldn't just give up on life and be depressed.

16 and Pregnant

A show that has really influenced my way of thinking is the show "16 and Pregnant". It makes me really scared to have sex. But then again there is a lot of peer pressure saying that I should. I know you can always have sex and use protection and still end up pregnant so that's my reasons for staying clean. Anything can happen and I'd rather be safe then sorry. The show shoes how difficult is is for those teenage mother to take care of their child and still attend school. And also relationships never work out because of the stress. And this show has made me be aware of all the things that can happen with having sex.

Many teenages are pushes into doing things that they never wanted to do in the first place. So they need to understand that NOT doing those things is fine. People won't think you are a loser or lame. Yeah of course they may say you are but I think deep down they are thinking that you are a strong person for not following the crowd. You are your own person and you should act like it.

Money is Respect

Throughout my life, I have been exposed to the idea that one only gets respected if he or she is a big money maker. There have been many movies made that depict this, Scarface, Get Rich or Die Trying, and many more, but it was a spanish music video that influenced me most.

El centenario by Los Tucanes de Tijuana
is a song with a video that shows the life of man who lives off of selling firewood. He starts off poor and has no or very little respect. He then turns to the wrong lifestyle, selling drugs, and virtually overnight becomes rich and is suddenly respected by all.

The video shows not only because one is poor people don't respect one, but also people show pity for one. Personally, that is one thing I do not like: people having pity for me. Therefore, this video influences me to have this sort of feeling of necessity for money. Thankfully, I have enough self control not to even consider making money by any means. Nonetheless, I am still left craving money and respect, and the media, movies, etc., is not doing anything to pacify my urge.

Movies and Sex

A movie that had quite a bit of influence on me was "Youth in Revolt" in the movie the protagonist develops an alter ego so that a certain girl will like him more. He does this in hopes that the girl will eventually have sex with him. Although the movie is a comedy it kept stamping sex, sex, sex over and over into my head. The movie basically made me feel like i had to have sex and soon. This connects with the "feelies" in Brave New World because they are around to make the people feel like they have to have sex, it is common and natural and disliking them the way John does is considered queer and antisocial. Both these movies make the watcher feel like sex is something that must be achieved and that not acheiving it is a failure.

Feelies and the Media: Amerika

I found the video influential in many ways. It made me think how America or the U.S in particular influences the world. In the video, you have people around the world eating fast food and using TVs. I find the ending of the video the most hilarious. It mocks the U.S. by saying they staged the moon landing.(The band takes the role of U.S. citizens.) That was my first thoughts on the video. When I watched it a couple more times, I began to think more of how it mocks the U.S. First, it represents how the U.S. thinks it rules the world and how it treats others worse. It brings me back to an idea of history class. One excuse major powerhouse countries (back int the day) took lands was that they think they needed to be civilized. In other words, they colonize lands in false pretenses. The U.S. does do this by introducing capitalism, fast food, etc. to other countries that are behind. This will in turn, change their culture and their way of life. The visit of the "feelies" with Lenina made John feel horrible. The video makes Americans feel horrible as well. John is horrified by the way the BNW society experiences feelings. Americans are horrified by the way the video expresses the American "control" of the world. Both relate to the fact that Americans and John are horrified.

- Amerika by Rammstein

Parental Love

One of the movies that has really impacted my life is Blood Diamond. This movie has made me realize that a father will always be willing to give his life to save his children. This movie taught me to value my parents because I know that no matter what they are always going to be looking for what is best for me. In the movie a desperate father whose son was taken away by rebel armies; is willing to give his life to save his son from the malignant people. The father careless about where he has to go to find his son; the only thing that the father knows is that no matter what he has to save his child. This has taught me that parents will always be willing to give their life in order for his child to be save. Many times we think our parents hate us, but just now that is not true. Parents just want to see their child succeed. There are cases in which many children tend to value money more than parents. Just know that money will never be able to buy you the happiness and protection that your parents can give you. Unless your parent was conditioned to not like children your parents will always be willing to hepl you succeed. In BRave New World we are able to see how parents are condition to not know what children of their own so they new develop love towards them. It will awesome to see that even parental love could be superior than conditioning but unfortunally if you do not know what love is than you can not give it.

Lovely Bones

Lovely Bones changed my mind frame about the world and the people who live in it. It reassured me of the dangers that await me once I leave the comfort of my home. People pretend to be something their not to lure young prey into their domains. My mother always taught me to be alert and pay attention to my surroundings and the people in it, but over the course of years I let that moral slip in between my fingers.

The movie is about a vivacious, friendly, young girl who has been raped and killed by an older man. Lovely Bones was very touching and it brought me to tears, because I saw similar characteristics in the victim that related to me. On a daily basis I'm very friendly and seem to talk to almost anyone I meet, but I never really think about what could happen as a result. There are so many dangerous people out there and it took a movie to actually open my eyes of the real world and the things that go on. Child molesters, kidnappers, and rapist are my biggest fears at this point. Now I'm always looking around to check my surrounds and staying alert. I feel some strangers that treat you the nicest and offer you things might just be the ones that try to manipulate you and hurt you badly. I hate that things like this happen; it makes me feel unsafe in my own environment, but with the advocacy and assistance of my mother's knowledge I'm sure I’ll be just fine.

I noticed that when Lenina and John went to the feelies it had a similar affect on him that changed his mind frame. Naturally, John doesn't believe in having sex just for fun; john felt that he should get married first. This just goes to show how media affects how we feel about certain things. It can also make you second-guess yourself about your moral beliefs. Although John thought differently for a moment, he is a great example of what people should do; he didn't display the actions from what he thought about the feelies. This only applies and relates when negative media influences you. Do you think good media can be harmful to a certain extent?

Don't let negative television influence you.

Immigration and its Faults

Immigration is a big deal in the United States. We are trying to make things work out for everyone but in every situation there has to be someone that ends up unhappy. The Senate Bill 1070 passed in Arizona has challenged illegals without even knowing where they come from or what their goals are in this country. There are people who aren't illegal but are still hurt from this law because of their family members. I understand where the pro-SB10170 people are coming from because illegals are the ones that bring drugs to America, but if the natives from our country keep wanting illegal drugs than they are going to find a way to get them. Although I'm not an immigrant but the most hard-working, stay out of trouble people I know are illegals and it's unjust for them to be worried for their sons and daughters if they are sent back to Mexico.

There is a music video in Spanish that describes the point of view of immigrants and of a child who sees her parents hancuffed. This video is called "Estoy Enamorado" by Wisin y Yandel(if you can watch the video click on the hyperlink). Without paying attention to the song of this video you're perspective on immigration should change through the child's suffering. I was affected by this video because it made me reflect on my life and if that was to happen to me I don't know what I would do. My life would change drastically because I would have to start relying on myself as an adolescent.

Turtles Can Fly

The movie that most impacted me was Turtles Can Fly, I watched it when I was in 6th grade. At first, I think I got the plot theme of the movie but I just recently watched it and I got a different take on it. The movie expresses the life of 3 children that are innocent and have to go through life struggling. Turtles Can Fly is a movie that has a beautiful story line but yet it shows how children of the Turkish border are being treated and the life they go through while the U.S. invasion of Iraq is happening. When I was in the 6th grade, I couldn't understand the how this movie was such a great movie if at the end I felt bad. Now, I still have a sad feeling toward the end but I understand the signs of hope, family, and choices that make this movie a beautiful movie.
The event that, I can relate this to, is when Lenina and John go to the "feelies". After watching the film, John expresses to Lenina that he disliked the film and that he couldn't see how she can like it. The way I relate it, is that John is still to "new" or "unadjusted" to the society in order to like it. For example, when I was younger I found it sad but I really didn't understand the beautiful part of it, because I hadn't experienced or thought about those themes at that age.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life if beautiful

Movies have the power to make you think. After all, that's what they were designed to do. All movies have an underlying meaning that everyone is supposed to see and understand. I love watching movies because they help me see big picture things. I know that I living in America live pretty well, however in other countries, in different eras I'm oblivious to everything. At the end of the movie, Life is Beautiful, I was in dismay. I didn't understand how life was so beautiful, and I hated the name of the film for being so ignorant to the facts.
It was a film based during the Holocaust. A family was trapped, seperated, tortured, and yet life was beautiful. A child was hidden by his father successfully within his sleeping area and was saved. However, the father didn't meet the same fate. Instead, through his struggle to survive and reunite with his wife he is killed in the ending scenes. A son who suffered through the war and survived, who lost his father how is life beautiful?
In Brave New World a very similiar thing happens when Lenina and John go on their date.
"I don't think you ought to see things like that," he said, making haste to transfer from Lenina herself to the surrounding circumstances the blame for any past or possible future lapse from perfection.

"Things like what, John?"

"Like this horrible film."

"Horrible?" Lenina was genuinely astonished. "But I thought it was lovely."

"It was base," he said indignantly, "it was ignoble."

She shook her head. "I don't know what you mean." Why was he so queer? Why did he go out of his way to spoil things?

Lenina is shocked and disturbed that John didn't like the film. And John never really comes to comprehend why the civilized people like it. I experienced something of the same thing. When I was in utter shock at the film, it seemed I was the only one. My classmates understood that the life of the child was beautiful. It was in his eyes that the movie was being told. I remember Michael, explaining to me how the movie was in the eyes of the child. Almost the same reaction Lenina had about John spoiling things. I made the film seem like a horrible thing. However in the movie his father had shielded him from all the bad they were enduring. It changed my way of looking at life. I always thought I had it bad, but you know what, there are so many people that suffer now over small things that I feel I have no right to complain. My life is beautiful and it's my job to make the world a beautiful place. By whatever means are necessary and accessible to me. Purple Pinkie Week is something that is going to change the world. It's something that truly makes a difference and will make life beautiful.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Effects of the media

The media can have a strong influence on the way people think and picture the world. Everywhere we go, we see advertisements either on television, magazines, the Internet, etc... A lot of these advertisements tell the public whats in style and how you should look in order to be fit in. For example, an advertisement can show that you have to be a certain size, be muscular, or wear a certain type of clothing. This could lead to many problems because a person might start to think how advertisements want them to think. A person might say to him/herself that in order to be happy and fit in, they have to look or act differently. They have to stop being themselves and change in order to impress someone else.
One way that the media can have a major influence on someone is questioning their weight. Advertisements can show someone who is thin and looks happy, and people will think that the person in the advertisement is beautiful or handsome. This will then make someone think that in order to look handsome or beautiful and be happy, they would have to look like the person in the advertisement. The person will then question themselves whether they are to fat and have to lose weight to look like someone else. Many people try to lose weight, but some do it in an unhealthy way and this can cause serious health problems such as anorexia. The person will be so determined to lose weight that they can become extremely skinny and with health problems and this is the fault of the media because it gives the impression that everyone has to be a certain way.
We should all be aware of this because it can happen to anyone. Next time we see an advertisement in any form of the media, we should figure out what it wants from us and not fall in it's trap that can lead to serious problems in the future. And if we find someone falling in the trap, we should help that person, and not let that person try to impress another someone else by being someone they are not.

Am I good looking or what???

The topic of discussion is social media. In the book, Huxley describes Linda as looking old, but in the new world the people continue to look young even when they’re past 35 years old. The people in the savage society doesn’t have the technology to do so or they’re not as concerned about their looks.

My personal interpretation is appearances and looks aren’t everything, but it is important. In the savage society I get a sense of people running around half-naked with stripped cloth like clothing as if they are a step up from cavemen. Since I’ve grown accustomed to reading about the brave new world society and their outlooks of the other societies, I think about a small, uncivilized community, and a very ambiguous government, which equals no stability. In reality when I think about savages I think about people living in these conditions due to the ignorance of not wanting to become more civilized. I find the complete opposite in the new world society. I have a mind frame of portraying a very civilized and organized people. I picture them being prompt, nice looking and well dressed. As they say, “Cleanliness is next to Fordliness”.

As far as this particular issue goes, in today’s world people have their own definition of being pretty. Magazines and televisions set the standards as far as what you should do to keep yourself looking nice. Just like the people in the brave new world society we have advanced technology such as: make up and surgery to alter our appearances. Sometimes when I’m watching television and I see other people dressed nice I feel like its time for me to get dressed up too, so that I can feel good about myself. These types of things influence me to want to look nice, not only for excitement of others, but for myself.

Am I Good Enough?

In the book, Brave New World, the people are conditioned to believe they are supposed to look a certain way; if they don't, then you don't fit in. They believe that you're supposed to look young and beautiful throughout the end of days. In this society they don't permit the people to look older than thirty, they alter their physical appearance to meet these standards and fit in within their society.

People nowadays probably don't notice, we are being conditioned in believing how we're supposed to look physically . Media, like commercials, billboards, influence the way you view things. Most of the time, they promote the "perfect" body structure. In Victoria's Secret commercials, they are always showing slim models and telling you what you're supposed to look like. Many people have different views of what 'sexy' is, and in this comercial they tell you what it is and how it looks like.

When you don't look the same way the person in the add does it lowers your self-esteem, and you try everything in order for you to end up looking that certain way. And this is what the people from BNW's society is, they change their physical appearances in order for them to still look young, and never appear their real age. People in our society will never be satisfied by the way they look, they will never be good enough. In Bryan's blog, IMpossible Beauty he goes into detail why a person would never be "good enough".

The G-force

Here is a link to a gatorade commercial.

In Brave New World, there is soma which people drink because it makes them feel happy. Its like a happy pill. The people take it when they see that they are getting sad or unhappy. I think that they are forced to take soma so that they don't have strange or inappropriate thoughts. Everything and everyone have to he the same and if something is different then you make be expelled to another country. I believe that in our world we have something similar but not exactly the same. I'm thinking about gatorade. We see that many professionals drink this and we think that that is what makes them good so we drink it idolizing them. But what we don't realize is that that's just a way to promote it. If we see that Derek Jeter drinks gatorade, people are going to want to drink gatorade so they will be a good baseball player like him. The gatorade commercials brainwash us into thinking that we will become as good as professionals. So just like they take soma to continue being happy, we drink gatorade to be like Peyton Manning. It's all in the advertisement.

Media influnces everyone

In Brave New World they are conditioned to not like nature and books. They are taught to not like this because they are conditioned not to. They are basically conditioned in everything. They are conditioned by hypnopedia. Also, every person is conditioned to do a different thing. But this conditioning is only seen in their society but not in the reservation among the savages.

Many people think that we aren't conditioned. We say that we are our own person and no one could condition us. But, we are wrong. Media has influenced people to buy certain things by advertising them. We see something on the tv and next thing you know we want to buy it just because we saw it. Like for example if your favorite celebrity is advertising something you are going to want to buy it just because your favorite celebrity has it. One of my favorites celebrities is Drake and he did an advertisment about Sprite. Since, I saw him drinking it, I decided to start drinking it as well. This, is not the only way in which we are conditioned. Everything, that goes on around us conditions us in some way.

Media and it's Influences

In Brave New World society has viewed other people as important or unimportant due to there height. In our society, people with great physical appearance have been viewed as normal or weird. In our society teenagers and adults try to achieve that "perfect" image of themselves due to influences of the media. For example, the brand Abercrombie & Fitch is an influence of the media. The pictures that Abercrombie produces to get people to buy their clothes are mostly: topless, muscular, tall, blonde hair, and white complected. This gives off an idea that in order to look "cool" or "attractive" you have to wear their clothes or just by wearing there clothes brand you would automatically be attractive and fit in with society. In Brave New World, Bernard has always been insecure about his height because he has an image to keep up. He is an Alpha-Plus and yet he can't seem to fit in or get the respect he deserves since he isn't like the other Alpha-Pluses. The same situation is applied in our society today, you see little girls wanting to be like music artist because they have fame, fortune, and a good life.
I think that, yes, media messes with people's heads. The media influences people of all ages to what clothes to wear, how to look (appearances), and even what you should like.

Social Media

“And yet, bottled as she was, and in spite of that second gramme of soma, Lenina did not forget to take all the contraceptive precautions prescribed by the regulations. Years of intensive hypnopaedia and, from twelve to seventeen, Malthusian drill three times a week had made the taking of these precautions almost as automatic and inevitable as blinking.” (BNW 77)

In the novel Brave New World Huxley focuses in the idea of conditioning via media. The media gives people in that society an idea of how to live their life not only happily but righteously as well. One of the most noticeable ways of this can be seen is in the aspect of sex. From the beginning children are taught that it is OK to be promiscuous. The music they listen to seems to put them in the right mood for intercourse and also they are given protection and told that it’s OK to do it as long as they use their protection. The the ideas of the society are openly shown through the media. This arises contrast and similarities amongst our society and the Brave new World society.
The similarities of these societies come through the fact that both influence their people to do certain things via the media. However, while Huxley’s world is open about it, our world is not. For example, when the topic about promiscuity and sex at a young age comes to the stage, most people look down on these things with a passion. However, there are commercials such as the Trojan condoms commercials that give the message to go do these things. Contrary to what parents teach their children, these ads tell teens that it is OK to go have sex as long as they are protected. In my opinion i believe this shows the hypocrisy of our world as opposed to Huxleys’s.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good Amateur Many Excitement Simulator

Aldous Huxley doesn't make enough references to the games being played in the Brave New World society. The only sure game, or more like a sport, is Obstacle Golf. In the society, you are conditioned into liking sports but hating the outdoors. This will essentially keep you focused on the game of Obstacle Golf and you will be less likely to be distracted by other things: beauty of the outdoors. This sort of conditioning will also allow you to be part of the group in the society. In other words, if you aren't playing games such as these, then you are not part of society and are missing out.
In our society, games, such as Guitar Hero III, are another form of conditioning. The game simulate how it is to be a rockstar in this example. The game makes you want to play and be focused to it all day and not pay any attention to anything else. It provides many excitements. The video show Slash, a famous guitarist, coming out of an average joe signifies that anybody can do this. Which brings us back to another point in Brave New World: anybody can play Golf in the Brave New World. It seems everyone would play Golf at some point in their life in the Brave New World society. The Guitar Hero III game may refer to the felies also. The commercial makes you believe that the game will give you the sensations of performing live at a concert. In our society, people want to get those type of sensations so they buy the game. What also may affect games is the amount of people playing the game. If enough people are playing a game, you convince yourself that the game is good and you do go out and buy. This is one way that you may find yourself trying to fit in. This has happened to me when I heard of the Halo game series. I thought it was just going to be a blowout but it wasn't. A whole bunch of people were playing and it became a hit. Naturally, I followed the crowd and became a fellow gamer in the series.

Conditioned to Believe

The media now a days influences and conditions our society. A lot of the commercials you see on television, the ads you see online, to the billboards you see on the side of the freeway can be misleading. Many times when things are misleading, people tend to believe them and therefore are conditioned to believe a certain thing. In the book Brave New World, people are conditioned to believe only what they are told. Due to hypnopedia, the society only knows as much as they are told. For example they are conditioned to believe that nature is no good. To them, it's wrong to like nature. The society also doesn't believe in books. Nobody reads books in the "New World". Such conditioning could potentially lead to "the perfect society", but in our world, the perfect society is out of our reach.

When watching television, I often stumble upon commercials of cellphone companies trying to convince the public that their company is the better one. Many people, being as gullible as they are, fall for what these companies say and therefore are conditioned to believe that the cellphone company being promoted is the best one out there.

Media and our behavior

In Brave New World the citizens are encouraged to play sports such as obstacle golf. It is deemed as socially normal to play obstacle golf and anyone who doesn't play obstacle golf is anti-social, and marked off as odd.This is the case with Bernard Marx; he doesn't enjoy playing obstacle golf and because of that is labeled an outcast and a nuisance. In Brave New World the citizens are conditioned to like obstacle golf and are taught that the more apparatuses required in order to play a game the better, that's why they enjoy obstacle golf which is a very elaborate game which requires lots of different equipment.
Now, let us take a look at our own society and what it encourages. I'd like to mention specifically the play 60 tv add. It attempts to encourage children to go outside and engage in some physical exercise at least sixty minutes everyday, the organization hopes that if children play sixty minutes everyday the obesity rate in children will decline, and the average health of children will increase.
The two examples I used are on two completely different ends of the spectrum, while one encourages specific behavior the other disproves of certain behavior, but both show how the media and our society's attitude towards things affect our decisions. In the case of Brave New World not playing obstacle golf is discouraged and for that reason people play it because they don't wish to upset the "natural order" of things. In the case of play 60 children are encouraged to do a certain thing because it's ultimately better for them.

IMpossible Beauty

Media can influence the world to think in many ways. For me media has influenced by introducing me to what beauty is . Beauty for me used to mean having a pretty face, colored, well curved shaped body, and of course blond hair. Suddenly I realize that some girls had some of this traits, yet no one girl that I knew had all this traits. Soon I began to wonder if beauty was actually having all this traits. Now I know that the beauty that the media describes is impossible to achieve naturally. By this I mean that humans have created all these characteristics that create the perfect person, so in order to create a perfect beauty it would be impossible unless human actually create the person themselves. I saw a video at that showed that beauty is impossible to obtain unless like in the video, humans take a part in and create the perfect person. This is exactly what is happening in Brave New World. The civilized society created a prototype that all human should do a certain thing, yet if the people were to naturally create this society it will be impossible because everyone is different. However the people decided that the only way to create the perfect society they will have to create the people. That is why in the book Huxley talks about how babies are conditioned. The babies are conditioned, so they could fit t0o all the requirements put by the society. Just like in the video the people had to intervene in porder to create perfect beauty.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Media and our Minds.

Media is corrupting our minds. Every now and then we rely on media to relieve our mind from stress and things that causes us to burn up our brain. These days when one has free time there is always some sort of media that will help you feel better. It may be something as simple as an ipod, computer, or even Xbox360. We always have all that technology waiting to be used and occupy our minds. One can get on the Internet and find something new every second.
In The Brave New World there is this substance supplied by the government, called soma. This "soma" is often used by everyone and is required by the government. Soma is pretty much a drug that makes you feel good and forget all your worries our anything that is not comforting, it blows your mind away and completely makes you happy. The government uses this for their advantage and allows them to easily control their people and keep everything stable.
So all in all, I believe that the soma is a little like todays media. It can easily be obtained and used and we use it for the same purpose. To take your mind off of things and take a break from life by just enjoying some TV, playing some video games, or surfing the web.

Science Agrees

Life is said to be short, so we should make the best of it. However, we often focus on what the media guides to. We let our judgment be blocked. Instead of actually making our life as blissful as possible we burden ourselves with petty annoyances. The media says you have to look young or else your ugly. Even though, some people recognize the media effecting them, they are still falling for the trap. Wrinkles are ugly and we have to get rid of them. People who can't afford to get plastic surgery to preserve their young look turn to supplements. We are in constant search of the next best thing to help us look young. Now even science agrees with the philosophy of looking young. Now we have vitamin C to help in the process of looking young. Like in Brave New World everyone is conditioned to want to look young.
"Oh!" She gripped his arm. "Look."

An almost naked Indian was very slowly climbing down the ladder from the first-floor terrace of a neighboring house–rung after rung, with the tremulous caution of extreme old age. His face was profoundly wrinkled and black, like a mask of obsidian. The toothless mouth had fallen in. At the corners of the lips, and on each side of the chin, a few long bristles gleamed almost white against the dark skin. The long unbraided hair hung down in grey wisps round his face. His body was bent and emaciated to the bone, almost fleshless. Very slowly he came down, pausing at each rung before he ventured another step.

"What's the matter with him?" whispered Lenina. Her eyes were wide with horror and amazement.

"He's old, that's all," Bernard answered as carelessly as he could. He too was startled; but he made an effort to seem unmoved.

"Old?" she repeated. "But the Director's old; lots of people are old; they're not like that."

"That's because we don't allow them to be like that. We preserve them from diseases. We keep their internal secretions artificially balanced at a youthful equilibrium. We don't permit their magnesium-calcium ratio to fall below what it was at thirty. We give them transfusion of young blood. We keep their metabolism permanently stimulated. So, of course, they don't look like that. Partly," he added, "because most of them die long before they reach this old creature's age. Youth almost unimpaired till sixty, and then, crack! the end."

I find it ammusing how we nag to live happily ever after yet we fight every ounce of happiness that comes our way. Lenina wanted to go to the reservation. Then she see's one horrifying image and she is done. She wants to leave. The sight of the wrinkly old person physically harms her. She is disgusted at the sight. In this case it's not her fault to want to look young. She was conditioned to think like that. However, she thought the reservation would be fun and exciting so she should make the best of her experience.

Violence is acceptable? How?

In our world, violence has been accepted more and more through media. This goes on through video games, movies, and cartoons. All of these types of media play a factor in how the kids of today will take the act of violence. In Brave New World, I noticed how everyone in Malpais wanted to be beating up John just because one person start it. People influence other people to do things. There is a link that explains in depht the different types of Media Violence.

I'd like to focus more on the video games because many people think that they are just fun and don't cause harm but it has a great influence in kids actitude. They have a rating for a reason. It's not right for a kid that is six years old to be playing Grand Theft Auto, a rated M for mature video game. The kids start thinking it is okay to hit people and before you know it that kid ends up in jail through its malicious acts.

The Misleading Meddia

In both Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and in the real world, media "conditions" people on what to think, do, or, even, say.

Brave New World conditions its people, as we said before, to be happy doing what they are needed to do for the society in order for the society to function properly. For example, hypnopedia, which is the repeating of things so that the people of the society memorize them even if they don't know what they mean, music, which is played is synthesized, meaning that it's, essentially, mechanical, and the games they play, which, most, involve sex and none allow privacy all condition the people in the society to believe what the creators of the society thing they should believe.

In the real world, media, new reports, articles, video games, movies, music, and more, has the purpose to affect or condition people. For example, because of the 9-11 incident caused by the Islamic extremist, we tend to perceive all Islams as terrorist. The news media blew the incident out of portion, that is, as far as all Islams being terrorist. Even, security in airports began to tighten up. People, who dressed like Islams, were frequently checked at airports after the incident. The general public became fearful if they had to fly with Islams. Though I had trouble finding video showing the new hostility for Islams after 9-11, I found a video in which Islams attempt to defend themselves.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Too Smart for this

“Three charming girls from the Bureaux of Porpaganda by Synthetic Voice waulaid him as he stepped out of the lift.

'Oh, Helmholtz, darling, do come and have a picnic supper with us on Exmoor.' They clung round him imploringly.

He shook his head, he pushed his way through them.

'No, no.'

'We're not inviting any other man.'

But Helmoltz remained unshaken even by this delightful promise. 'No,' he repeated, 'I'm busy.' And he held resolutely on his course. The girls trailed after him. It was not till he had actually climbed into Bernard's plane and slammed the door that they gave up pursuit. Not without reproaches.”
(BNW p.68)

This quote clearly portrays Helmholtz's arrogance and feeling of superiority in his society. It is evident that he has the ability to think for himself and decide whether or not he thinks something is right unlike the others in the community. Having the ability to decide whether or not something is right make it easy to argue that Helmholtz's has a conscience. All those characteristics that I briefly mentioned about Helmholtz are evidence of individualism.

So, what's wrong with that? Well, in a society where “Community, Identity, [and] Stability”(BNW p.3) are important, individualism can lead to someone questioning the way of life. That in turn opens the eyes of others in the community. This can lead to a coup d'etat resulting in a new society in which people believe in individualism and now longer live up to “Community, Identity, [and] Stability”(BNW p.3). In societies as these, Helmholtz could be considered as too smart for his ability to think freely weakens the power that the set government has on him.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Playing The Game

"But one's got to make the effort," she said, sententiously, "one's got to play the game..."(43)

In life, it is impossible to escape the surprised and somtimes accusing looks of people when you have acted in a manner that you are not expected to. Depending on your staus in life, the family you were born into, or simply the society you live in, there are always expectations. However, many individuals are guilty of not wanting to follow all or certain of those expectations for one reason or another. Lennina Crowne is one of those individuals. I am one of those individuals. We don't mean any harm by not abiding by the rules. We simply want to be unique or deep inside we don't feel that those expectations fit our being. In Brave New World, Lennina is expected to be promiscuous and sleep around with many guys. She doesn't feel like doing this but her friend Fanny convinces her that she must "make the effort and play the game" because if she doesn't she will get in trouble. That is the same in life, even if we don't like it, we must play the game until we are sure that we can finally emancipate ourselves from it. This was my problem a few years back when I used to be forced to go to church. I hated church and wanted nothing to do with it so I rebeled and instead of being a good boy, as was expected from a child who had been raised in church, I decided to not care anymore and do whatever I wanted. It was all great for me until I realized the reputation I was giving my parents. Therefore I decided to play the game and while I was still forced to go to church I was a "good boy" in the presence of the christian comunity until about a year ago that my parents stopped forcing me to go. I still act in good manners in their presence so that they won't think that my parents raised a demon, but when they are gone I am the same old Kevin. One's got to play the game, perhaps not fully, but just enough to get by in a world full of expectations.

Being Different

“What the two men shared was the knowledge that they were individuals.” (67) Brave New World

Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson, both know they are different, they aren’t like the other Alpha Pluses. They’ve become aware of the physical and mental differences from the people that surrounded them. Bernard Marx is eight centimeters shorter than the expected height of an Alpha plus. He’s as tall as a Gamma, which is really embarrassing. And like Helmholtz, they are “a little too able.” In this society “a little too able” can be a thread. Maybe one of these days they will get tired of being told what to do and they might rebel. They would stop being followers and will become leaders. Another character that is different in her own way is Lenina. Society forces her to act a certain way so she can be like everyone else; “every one belongs to every one else.” (43) Lenina’s problem is that she doesn’t want to be promiscuous. She doesn’t want to be sleeping with everyone like everybody does, she wants Henry to be the only man in her life. And society disapproves of this.

I’ve never being someone that likes to follow the crowd. I’ve always try to stay true to myself, and don’t fall into peer pressure. Every where you go you will always have to face peer pressure. You have two choices: do what everyone else is doing or stay true to your self and never regretting what you might’ve regretted.
And this is why I relate to Lenina. She stays true to her self and doesn’t care if society doesn’t approve of her decisions. Being different is what makes you, you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

To Be Alien.

"Hence the laughter of the women to whom he made proposals, the practical joking of his equals among men. The mockery made him feel an outsider; and in feeling and outsider he behaved like one, which increased the prejudice against him and intensified the contempt and hostility aroused by his physical defects. Which in turn increased his sense of being alien and alone."(Huxley Pg. 65)
Throughout Brave New World Bernard Marx struggles with the conflict that he feels alone and alien, as if he does not belong in this society. He feels as if everyone around him criticizes him for who he is and because of this he acts more and more like an outsider. I too feel like an outsider at times. Although I'm sure that it is nowhere near as bad as what Bernard puts up with in the book. None the less I do find myself being alone and on my own most of the time.

Lenina's Situation

"And after all," Fanny's tone was coaxing, "it's not as though there were anything painful or disagreeable about having one or two men besides Henry. And seeing that you ought to be a little more promiscuous …"

...Lenina shook her head. "Somehow," she mused, "I hadn't been feeling very keen on promiscuity lately. There are times when one doesn't. Haven't you found that too, Fanny?"

Fanny nodded her sympathy and understanding. "But one's got to make the effort," she said, sententiously, "one's got to play the game. After all, every one belongs to every one else." (p.43) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Lenina is having a discussion with Fanny about Lenina wanting to be with Bernard and not wanting to be around other men. Lenina has a strong attachment with Bernard and Fanny is telling Lenina to not have this attachment towards Bernard because in their society, everyone belongs to everyone. This means that Lenina cannot be with only Bernard. She has to be with many different men, because she belongs to everyone and if she doesn't socialize with other men, then she is not following one of the society's motto, and this will make her different from everyone else.

I have been in a similar sitution as Lenina in the way that her environment is expecting her to act a certain way. Lenina wants to do something that her environment doesn't approve of and her environment is forcing her to act a certain way. When I was in my old public school all the students didn't care about learning, and they just messed around during class without paying any attention to the teacher. I was the only one in my class that cared about my grade and about my education. Everyone in class thought I was weird because I was the only one who cared, and they always tried to persuade me to follow in their foot steps. They acted as though not caring about your grades was a "law" that should be followed, and myself not following this "law" made me different from everyone else. Just like how Lenina is different from everyone else by only wanting to be with Bernard.

The Game of Life

"...But one's got to make the effort," she said, sententiously, "one's got to play the game..."(43)

Trying to be happy no matter the circumstances has always been a number one priority for me. Some people will live happy lives and others won't. This is a fact of life. However, I don't believe that you have to live a miserable life because you aren't at an advantage. Life is going to knock you down, kick you in the stomach, and then spit on you. It's a rough world, but we have to make the best of it. I feel like Fanny Crowne has the idea down pack. She understands the world she lives in and knows, maybe by force, that she has to try and play the game. This quote has such a strong impact on the audience. Fanny speaks boldly and bravely. It amazed me to see someone try and help a friend. In Brave New World I feel as if a sense of worry about me first and then everyone else is set. Fanny is trying to make Lenina realize she has to play the game in order not to get knocked down. Have you ever played the game Life? With every move your life is changing and in a matter of seconds everything can go down. Fanny is winning the game of Life because she knows she can't let life ruin her. She has to believe she can win.

What is expected of you

Huxley wrote,"Too little bone and brawn had isolated Bernard from his fellow men..." (Pg 67)

Bernard Marx is self conscious about his physical. He wonders if his fellow men look down on him even though he is in the higher rank. Bernard is different because for an Alpha Plus; he is suppose to have certain physical characteristics. For example, his shortness is viewed as a sign of a fault because he should actually be taller. The reason I relate to him is because I'm 18. Being 18 in the 11th grade is an assumption that I probably failed a grade, even though I didn't. People expect for me to be smarter because of the slight advantage I have to the rest of the class; but i really don't think my "advantage" would reflect that much in my grades but instead in other things. For example, I find myself thinking about things more and being more mature then other people in my grade. Bernard is also having
issues with what he is capable of doing and what people think about him since he is shorter than expected.

Caring Really Hurts

"Bernard's pale faced flushed."What on earth for?" she wondered, astonished, but at the same time touched by this strange tribute to her power."

I think I am a Bernard Marx. Bernard knows what he wants but he has his doubts about getting it. He is a little different then the others in the way that he is shorter then the regular Alpha Plus. But he is still an Alpha Plus, which is the highest category of human. Since Bernard doesn't get girls like his friend Helmholtz Watson, he spends a lot of the time thinking. Thinking about what he wants and he can't have, about how he's different and not good enough for girls or just things in general, and well he just doubts all of his abilities. He is a very intelligent man but he justs thinks too much. And sometimes you just need to do things without thinking. Like for example, over the summer I went to Florida with my family and my cousin Alexsandra. We were at the beach watching people parasailing and I've always wanted to do that. But I didn't say anything. And my cousin was like gets go. And I'm a little bit afraid of heights but I'm the kind of person that is terrified of something but will do it anyway. So she was like begging for us to go and I just said fine. I didn't think it through because I knew if I did I would make myself chicken out of doing it. So I just said yes and went. It turned out to be an amazing experience. Sometimes you just have to do things. Don't think too much, just do it.
"This Escalator-Squash champion, this indefatigable lover (it was said that he had six hundred and forty different girls in under four years), this admirable commitee man best mixer had realized quite suddenly that sport, women, communal activities were only, so far as he was concerned second best." -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World. (67)

Helmholtz Watson is a character that has it all. The problem is that he does not value any of this because is was just given to him. He never had to fight for it, so he just takes for granted. Many people in his society will die for the features that he has been gifted with. The conflict this character has is that he has all this exceptional features, yet he is not happy with himself. He feels as if he is totally empty. He wants to know what he can do, but he does not what to do. I can relate to this because I was given the opportunity to get an education, and maybe sometimes I take that for granted. Sometimes I feel like I have opportunities other kids will love to have. Sometimes I know i am not doing what I was sent to do, but it just sometimes I just do not know how to accomplish this.

Too able

"Yes, a little too able; they were right. A mental excess had produced in Helmholtz Watson effects very similar to those which, in Bernard Marx, were the result of a physical defect." (p. 67; Brave New World, Aldous Huxley)

Helmholtz Watson is an Alpha plus in the book meaning that he is at the top of the society; he is very smart. To me it seems that he knows much more than others, maybe even more than he's supposed to. Those kind of people sometimes seem like a threat to society because you never know when they might use that knowledge for something bad. The way this relates to me is that there are people out there who "know it all" and those kind of people tend to be cocky sometimes. I'm not saying Helmholtz is cocky but from a book I've never read before I don't know what to expect. Who knows what Helmholtz will use his knowledge for or if he'll even use it to his advantage or not. In our society the know-it-all's sometimes take advantage of opportunities and I'm just wondering if Helmholtz will be one of those that if he sees an opportunity he'll take advantage of it. Helmholtz also is capable of getting all the women he likes but oddly enough, he does not. He's different from everyone else and in a way he's an outsider. Sometimes I feel like an outsider but I never feel like an extremely smart person like Helmholtz is.

Society Shouldn't be Promoting

I can compare a similar conflict in the novel Brave New World with our world. I notice that Lenina doesn't feel like she fits in society because she's not promiscuous. Huxley writes, "Lenina shook her head. 'Somehow,' she mused, 'I hadn't been feeling very keen on promiscuity lately. There are times when one doesn't. Haven't you found that too, Fanny?' Fanny nodded her sympathy and understanding. 'But one's got to make the effort,' she said, sententiously, 'one's got to play the game. After all, every one belongs to every one else.'"(Huxley 43)

Because society promotes promiscuity and Lenina doesn't want to be promiscuous she is forced to be someone she doesn't want to be. In my world, society promotes sex. In just advertisements, I see men with women all over them, men that don't have to be loyal to women, and it provokes guys to think that women are basically a game. I think that is wrong because more men are starting to being unable to control themselves and end up raping women, and violating them. This is becoming a problem in our world and its hard to stop it because 'sex sells' and men are going to keep getting brain washed.

Who am I?

Well at first it is difficult to relate to any of the three characters. Helmholtz is a bit too smart for his own good. He excels at his jobs with ease, he gets all the girls he could ever wish for, and he is tall and handsome. I know I am good and all, but this guy is just a little too much. I wouldn't be able to relate with this guy. The second character, Bernard Marx is very intellectual as well, but he is not a hot piece like Helmholtz. Bernard is the short guy who stands out in society, and as you know it, short people are known to be ugly in Brave New World. This sparks him to think about the society in which he lives in, he starts to question why he is different."Yes, a little too able; they were right. A mental excess had produced in Helmholtz Watson effects very similar to those which, in Bernard Marx, were the result of the physical defect." I think i could somehow relate Bernard but I'm not really physically deformed. The last character, Lenina is someone who wants to try different things. Things like limiting her sex life with just one male, and in the Brave New World this is considered to be wrong. She should be open with sex with everyone, she is suppose to be like everyone else. I think I can relate with Lenina the most. Reasons such as, me not being like the people that surround me. I feel like my thoughts are always negative and I can be very lazy sometimes. I know some people say that being lazy is just an excuse, but I feel like thats who I am. I know that I'm suppose to be like everyone else, positive in mind and always energetic, some what like Lenina has to be the same as all the other girls, sexually active with everyone. Overall I feel like I'm more of a "Lenina type" of character.

Helmholtz Watson Relation

"This Escalator-Squash champion, this indefatigable lover (it was said that he had had six hundred and forty different girls in under four years), this admirable committee man and best mixer had realized quite suddenly that sport, women, communal activities were only, so far as he was concerned, second bests. Really, and at the bottom, he was interested in something else. But in what? In what? That was the problem which Bernard had come to discuss with him–or rather, since it was always Helmholtz who did all the talking, to listen to his friend discussing, yet once more." (pg. 67 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley)

Helmholtz has realized that he is smarter than the average Alpha plus in the society. He is thinking more and wants more out of life. I'm not saying that I'm smarter than the averaged person, but I do think a lot. Sometimes when I can't sleep, I just lay in bed and think about everything. I even think about how life can be boring and I want more than that. I even think of ways to make life more interesting. I don't think I will never be satisfied because in reality, I don't know what to do or think of. I don't think he and I will be satisfied with the things we have and want more. I think this is due to the fact that society wants us to do something and expects us to repeat the process until we die. For example, I have been at school for the last 12 years or my life and I'm going for 5 more years. I feel like I want something else like he does.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Conditioning of babies

In the second Chapter of Brave New World, a book written by Aldous Huxley, the students are being showed how the 8 month babies are being attracted to shiny book and flowers. The babies once they saw the shiny book and flowers began to crawl to the shining objects. Then suddenly the Director gives the signal to scare the babies away from the books. So “The Head Nurse, who was standing by a switch board at the other end of the room, pressed down a little lever.” “There was a violent explosion. Shriller and ever shriller, a siren shrieked... The children started, screamed, their faces were distorted with terror.”(pg 21)

Here the author explains how the babies are being conditioned to be sacred of books, so when they grow up the will not be attracted to books. This will prohibit them from reading and acquiring knowledge. This passage relates to this certain book I read called A Long Way Gone. The reason I think they are similar is because in A Long Way Gone the children are also conditioned at an early age. The children are taken from their families are condition to hate humans. The children have to grab revolvers and begin to shot at people. No matter what person it is they are just trained to kill. Once these children grow up they will become like killers machines because that is the only thing they know how to do.

The Backbone of Society

“For particulars, as everyone knows, make for virtue and happiness; generalities are intellectually necessary evils. Not philosophers but fretsawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society.”(4)

Society is a difficult and complex structure to understand. It has many branches that keep extending and more levels of organization are added. Yet, what truly is the core or the trunk of that ever growing tree which we call society? Most people would say that it is the important humans or the ones known all over the globe such as the president of the United States because he can make a change. In the book Brave New World, the author Aldous Huxley explains through this quote that it is the workers at the bottom who are "the backbone of society", or the most important ones because they do the small jobs that eventually amount to greater works when all are put together. In example, if all the men who work in a construction site for a new building were to stop showing up to work, the men at the top who are in charge of them would be nothing. A society can not function with all leaders. Every particular who has a small roll in society, helps keep it stable therefore maintaining everyone in it happy. The generalities that if you want to be a good citizen in society you must strive to be on the top are, as he calls them, “necessary evils” because a few spots are needed to be filled, but this blinds individuals into thinking that that's the only place they can serve for the good of society and they underestimate the smaller rolls and the common man is never thanked.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Brave New World and Our World

"They'll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an 'instinctive' hatred of books and flowers. Reflexes unalterably conditioned. They'll be safe from books and botany all their lives" The Director turned to his nurses. "Take them away again." (Huxley 22)

This relates to our life because this is how parents or guardians are in our society. When you're a baby or infant your brain is still growing and developing, so at this point in a human's life you can get the human to think how you want them to think by using some sort of punishment. We see this everyday, just not as bad as in the novel because as people grow it is harder to take over them.

Everyday Conditioning

“The swiftest crawlers were already at their goal. Small hands reached out uncertainly, touched, grasped, unpetaling the transfigured roses, crumpling the illuminated pages of the books. The Director waited until all were happily busy. The, “Watch carefully” he said. And, lifting his hand, he gave the signal. The Head Nurse, who was standing by a switchboard at the other end of the room, pressed down a little lever. There was a violent explosion. Shriller and even shriller, a siren shrieked. Alarm bells maddeningly sounded. The children started, screamed; their faces were distorted with terror.” (Huxely 20-21)
This is how the community in Brave New World “conditions” the newborns. In this particular instance the babies are given electric shock therapy. They are presented with flowers and books and once they begin to play with the books and flowers they are shocked, this process is repeated many times so that the lesson is imprinted into their minds.
Today in the real world we are also conditioned, although it is nowhere near as extreme. We are conditioned in the sense that we are lead to believe that money is essential. We are told to do well in school so that we may make more money. How smart we are is shown in our grades which in itself aren’t an accurate representation of intelligence. We are told that in order for us to make lots of money we have to go to a good college. College cost money, so once we finish college we owe someone money, and the only way to pay off that money is to spend the majority of your life working. Even if someone doesn’t go to college they might buy a car or a house. Either way the average person owes money. In this sense we are conditioned.


“And this,” said the Director opening the door, “is the Fertilizing Room.” (p.3) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

This passage shows how advance technology has become. It has advanced so much that people are cloning other human beings. In this passage, the Director of Hatcheries is giving a group of students a tour of the hatchery and is showing how this cloning process is done and how to make a successful clone.
This sort of reminds me of how in present time, humans have already cloned a animal. A sheep has been clone before, and now that scientist have done this, they would want to try something bigger and complicated (such as a human). If the cloning of a human is successful, than more humans might be cloned and who knows if the cloning will turn out to be the same as in the Brave New World.

Harsh Conditioning

"The swiftest crawlers were already at their goal. Small hands reached out uncertainly, touched, grasped, unpetaling the transfigured roses, crumpling the illuminated pages of the books. The Director waited until all were happily busy. Then,"Watch carefully," he said. And, lifting his hand, he gave the signal.(20)

"Now we proceed to rub in the lesson with a mild electric shock."

"The screaming of the babies suddenly changed its tone. There was something desperate, almost insane, about the sharp spasmodic yelps to which they now gave utterance. Their little bodies twitched and stiffened; their limbs moved jerkily as if to tug of unseen wires.(21)

In the book,Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley there is a passage that states this. This passage is when the Director conditions the babies in a harsh way. They put flowers and books out. They go through a process called shocked therapy. This makes the babies not like neither books or the outdoors. If the babies are crawling to either one of these then they are shocked. The babies keep going to either and keep getting shocked. This keeps going on until they realize that if they get close to either they will get shocked, so they decide to stay away.
The way the author describes the reactions to the shock is scary. These poor little babies have to go through all of this. Seeing this would make me cry. They are basically torturing the babies to not like something. It's sad to know the babies go through this.
I know that this does go on in the real world but nothing as harsh as this. Dogs are put a shock collar around them. Say you have the invisible boundaries set up in front of a door, if the dog passes this boundary then it is shocked. He then learns that he can't pass the door or else he will get shocked.


“Turned, the babies at once fell silent, then began to crawl towards those clusters of sleek colours, those shapes so gay and brilliant on the white pages. As they approached, the sun came out of a momentary eclipse behind a cloud. The roses flamed up as though with a sudden passion from within; a new and profound significance seemed to suffuse the shining pages of the books. From the ranks of the crawling babies came little squeals of excitement, gurgles and twitterings of pleasure.

“The director rubbed his hands. 'Excellent!' he said. 'It might almost have been done on purpose.'

“The swiftest crawlers were already at their goal. Small hands reached out uncertainly, touched, grasped, unpetaling the transfigured roses, crumpling the illuminated pages of the books. The Director waited until all were happily busy. Then, 'Watch carefully,' he said. And, lifting his hand, he gave the signal.(BNW 20)

“The Head Nurse, who was standing by a switchboard at the other end of the room, pressed down a little lever.

“There was a violent explosion, Shriller and ever shriller, a siren shrieked. Alarm bells maddeningly sounded.

“The children started, screamed; their faces were distorted with terror.

“'And now,' the Director shouted (for the noise was deafening), 'now we proceed to rub in the lesson with a mild electric shock.'

“He waved his hand again, and the Head Nurse pressed a second lever. The screaming of the babies suddenly changed its tone. There was something desperate, almost insane, about the sharp spasmodic yelps to which they now gave utterance. Their little bodies twitched and stiffened; their limbs moved jerkily as if to the tug of unseen wires.”(BNW 21)

This long passage from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a clear portayal of the conditioning throughout the book. In this passage the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning explains the process of conditioning. The infants are drawn to books and roses and are aloud to chuckle. They appear genuinely happy. Then the Director signals the Head Nurse to send a shock wave and eventually these infants are crying. They do this a number of time until it is programed in their head that reading and flowers are bad.

This process, though we'd like to think not, is very much practiced in the real world. This practice called conditioning is not the same for everybody; it is nurture rather than nature that conditions us. Let's start off with a not-so-harsh example. When running with your shoes untied and you laces hanging out, odds are that you will fall. After falling, scraping your knees, and crying your guts out several times you learn that running with untied shoe laces is a bad combination. Not convincing enough? Let's go upscale to a more obvious form of conditioning.

A more obvious form of conditioning is from your friends or posse. Let's say you just moved to a new school and friends with a group of people you don't know much. They had a grudge with another group of kids at the school even before you came into the picture. Your new posse is expecting you to have this a grudge against the other posse even though you know nothing about them. Similarly, the other posse will view you as an enemy and have a grudge against you. Eventually, you realize that if you want to remain in the posse you are in you must have a grudge against the "enemy" as well.

Of course, both of these examples seem to be as different from one another as possible. That is why I will conclude that there are different forms of conditioning: self-subconscious conditioning(learning from your own mistakes(1st example)) and environmental conditioning(being trained by environmental factors that, for example, tell you what to like or dislike(2nd example)).

Did you think life as we live it is very different than that of Brave New World? Think again!


"He quoted the planetary motto." 'Community, Identity, Stability'. Grand words."(pg.7)

These 3 factors represents the major occupation of todays society. While reading definitions I noticed that they relate to one another. They also apply to our organization of society.

The community in todays world work together to better one another. I see this similarity within the book. Everyone has a specific job to do within the different meters of the facility and they all work together to get the job done. In real life we complete this task all the time by coming together and working as a team. Here at Chinquapin we display those same qualities. We all work together in the garden and around the school to perform "mass production", so that we can get the task done quicker. Interact is a perfect example of how the community should come together and try to better the neighborhoods in our local towns.

When people say identity, I automatically think about people having a certain description of themselves. In the book they picture identity as your rank or class, not your own personal style. From the Alphas to the Epsilons they have specific duties to portray. The Alphas are predicted to be "future Directors of Hatcheries"(pg.13) while the Epsilons are thrown to the side left to become "future sewage workers"(pg.13), said Mr. Foster. This makes me think about the different types of classes that people are labeled such as: high class, middle class, and low class. In America, the wealthy people are "suppose" to be our future leaders while the middle class work common jobs. The low class that portrays the Epsilons in Huxley's book are suppose to be poor and uneducated in some cases. I see the resemblance with the real world connection the way that Huxley describes the different caste.

In the book they think of stability as having their people being content and happy, but in the real world it carries a different meaning. For example, we try to have stable lives and a stable government. I noticed that the students here at Chinquapin are stable at school. We do the same thing everyday. We go from class to class and get different homework assignments. In the USA we have a stable government that is not going to change. We have had the same government for over 150 years. Although the things that us humans do are not always stable we do try to maintain stability as much as possible. This shows that we have organization and control over our own lives.

Control your kids.

"They'll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an "instinctive" hatred to books and flowers. Reflexes unalterably conditioned. They'll be safe from books and botany all their lives."

In the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley the nurses "condition" the babies to hate books and nature. The babies crawl up to a book or flower and they get electrically shocked. They do this many times until the baby is horrified by it. This way, in the future the babies will no longer have any interest what so ever, in books. If you don't read books then there is no crazy ideas popping in your head. You are then easy to control by government and such.
In today's world conditioning does go on, but usually in a more positive way. Believe it or not, you have been conditioned! Of course this was mostly your parents doing it. Ever since you were a kid they would tell you to; never talk to strangers, be respectful to others, treat others how you want to be treated, do your homework, etc. And why do we obey? Because otherwise you get punished. Who wants to be punished? Nobody does, so we obey. You may ask why parents do this, so I'll tell you why. It's all for your own good, your safety, and more importantly they want you to be successful in life.

Communities Can't Be Perfect

" 'Offer them the flowers and the books again.' The nurses obeyed; but at the approach of the rosed, at the mere sight of those gaily-coloured images of pussy and cock-adoodle-doo and baa-baa black sheep, the infants shrank in horror; the volume of their howling suddenly increased."(Huxley 21)

Well to start, we have instincts that tell us not do something like stick your finger in a cup of boiling water. And after the many mistakes that we make, we learn that we shouldn't do those things anymore. And that is exactly what the people in Brave New World are doing, they are shocking the babies to show them that they shouldn't go near the books, flowers, or make loud noises. But do I think the reason they are doing it is right? I'm still thinking about that. I mean, we are always saying that we want things to be fair and stable, and in the book its actually happening and I find it a little bit harsh.
The motto of the community in the book is “Community. Identity. Stability.” And well I don't know about my other classmates, but I find it weird. I really don't like it that they torture the babies. And I wouldn't like for everyone to be the same, because being different is what make you, you. I do believe that discipline is ok to do but these babies aren't doing anything wrong. They are just trying to show them what not to do because they want to keep information from them. They don't want people's identities to be different. They want everyone the same so in order to do this they keep information and history from everyone. They do this so the people don't have questions about anything. Curiosity isn't allowed in this community.

Ignorance is Bliss

...The nurses obeyed; but at the approach of the roses, at the mere sight of those gaily-coloured images of pussy and cock-a-doodle-doo and baa-baa black sheep, the infants shrank away in horror, the volume of their howling suddenly increased...(21)
In the second chapter of Brave New World by Aldonus Huxley, we are introduced to conditioning. This society is controlled down to the birthing process. Humans no longer mate to create young. The kids are cloned to the maximum, about 79 on average. Nor are the children raised or nurtured by another human being. They are created and trained for one purpose. That is to work to keep the community going. The creations are split into four different types. Their type determines what their position is in the hierarchy. In this part of the chapter we are exposed to how the Deltas, or lower class, are trained to dislike books and nature. The kids are shown roses and books. At first sight they reach for them. Then the kids are shocked and after several times of repeating the process the kids learn to hate books and nature. They are conditioned. In this society the lower class shouldn't like to read or nature. It was a very interesting topic to me. If we conditioned our world to live in peace, wouldn't that be good? We wouldn't have war or hate or pain. Everyone would be controlled without knowing. No one would get hurt because nobody would know anything. They do say ignorance is bliss. If people don't know what's being done to them then they'll be happier. In this society that's the idea, to be happy. At the very least contempt with your life. If we applied that theory to our world maybe we would live happier. I don't like this futuristic society, but I do believe ignorance is bliss.

Their History our Present

"Human beings used to be …" he hesitated; the blood rushed to his cheeks. "Well, they used to be viviparous."

"Quite right." The Director nodded approvingly.

"And when the babies were decanted …"

"'Born,'" came the correction.

"Well, then they were the parents–I mean, not the babies, of course; the other ones." The poor boy was overwhelmed with confusion.

"In brief," the Director summed up, "the parents were the father and the mother." The smut that was really science fell with a crash into the boys' eye-avoiding silence. "Mother," he repeated loudly rubbing in the science; and, leaning back in his chair, "These," he said gravely, "are unpleasant facts; I know it. But then most historical facts are unpleasant." (pg.23)

In this part of the book Huxley explains the confusion the students have toward their history. They seem to know very little of it and in a way makes it seem (to the reader) that the way we give birth to humans is wrong and time consuming.They take no effort in remembering "their history" the way we do. Just reading that passage makes you wonder if we, the society, are making a good choice by not adapting to the society in the book. I would think, when reading this book for the first time it, would sound all "fake", I never thought that it would make me actually doubt the present.


"The swiftest crawlers were already at their goal. Small hands reached out uncertainly, touched, grasped, unpetaling the transfigured roses, crumpling the illuminated pages of the books. The Director waited until all were happily busy. Then, 'Watch carefully,' he said. And, lifting his hand, he gave the signal.

The Head Nurse, who was standing by a switchboard at the other end of the room, pressed down a little lever.

There was a violent explosion. Shriller and ever shriller, a siren shrieked. Alarm bells maddeningly sounded.

The nurses obeyed; but at the approach of the roses, at the mere sight of those gaily-coloured images of pussy and cock-a-doodle-doo and baa-baa black sheep, the infants shrank away in horror, the volume of their howling suddenly increased." (pgs.20-21) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Books and flowers were placed in a room. The Director brought in a line of babies who crawled to the flowers and books. A nurse immediately pulled a switch that shocked all the babies. When the babies were lined up again with the books and on the other side, they were filled with horror. What a scene this was. These are babies being conditioned to hate the outdoors and books by using shock therapy. In the Brave New World, humans are constantly being conditioned. In our world, you are conditioned without knowing it. You are told to behave in certain ways by using rules. Of course, it isn't as bad as using shock therapy. There are other examples in the real world. If you eat a bad apple, you acquire a bad memory. This will affect how you will act when you see another apple. If someone else offers you another apple 1 week later, you will have said no thanks because you would have remembered the last bad apple you ate.

Love of nature

"A love of nature keeps no factories busy. It was decided to abolish the love of nature, at any rate among the lower classes; to abolish the love of nature, but not the tendency to consume transport. For of course it was essential that they should keep on going to the country, even though they hated it. The problem was to find an economically sounder reason for consuming transport than a mere affection for primroses and landscapes. It was duly found." (p. 23)

In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World,the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (D.H.C.) said this to a child when the child asked him a question. This makes me wonder how messed up this society is to keep nature away from the people. They keep nature away from them because they think that it keeps them from "consuming transportation" and keeps them from getting all the work done. The very first sentence in the quote states that a love for nature kind of keeps the factories from running and keeping the society going. In our society today, nature is needed to keep the factories running. For example those who love nature like going camping, and in order to go camping you need tents and cooking materials, sleeping bags, etc. Someone has to make these products, so without nature there would be less products being made. The society in Brave New World is not much different from our society today, but in that aspect, it is.

More Workers; Less Thinkers

"For particulars, as everyone knows, make for virtue and happiness; generalities are intellectually necessary evils. Not philosophers but fretsawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society" (PG. 4)

In Brave New World's society, humans are mass produced for the benefit of the society. Their intelligence and natural instincts are manipulated so they will be useful in a specific job. Their DNA and traits are altered because it is for the betterment of the community. Our society doesn't go to that extreme, but we are more focused on our futures and preparing ourselves for our jobs. We go to school and study for years because in the end it is better for the community. In our world we don't have very many people making a living off of a career in philosophy; the number of people that do hard labor outweighs the number of people that spend their lives doing more "intellectual" things. Could we possibly in the future begin to sort babies into what type of job they will have? We do it now, somewhat, with career placement exams, but that's not until the children are a bit older. Our Society has some similarities with the society in Brave New World, but it's not taken to such an extreme. Perhaps in the future the world will be like the one which Huxley describes.

Our Little Experiment

"The swiftest crawlers were ready at their goal. Small hands reached out uncertainly, touched, grasped, unpetaling the transfigured roses, crumbling the illuminated pages of the books. The director waited until all were happily busy. Then, "Watch carefully," he said. And lifting his hand, he gave the signal." (20)

"There was a violent explosion. Shriller and ever shriller, a siren shrieked. Alarm bells maddeningly sounded. . . now we proceed to rub in the lesson with a mild electric shock." (21)

These quotes show how the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning (D.H.C), experiments with the 8 month babies. He would tell the nurse to let the kids down on the floor. The people in charge of the babies would have flowers and books where the babies would be. Once the babies would get to close to the flowers or to the books the D.H.C. would give out the signal to the nurse to press down a lever. And by pressing this lever it would shock the little babies, and it will make the babies not attracted to flowers or books. And if by any chance the babies would do it again then the nurse would pull the lever down and it will shock the infants. And the explanation the D.H.C gives is “They'll grow up with what the psychologists used to call an 'instinct' hatred of books and botany all their lives.” (22)

In the book Brave New World by Aldus Huxley he tells us how the characters in the book experiment with babies. In reality, people conduct this kind of experiments with animals. There are many examples of us trying to change someone else's ways. For example; there have been collars created for dogs that prevent them not to bark, and when they do they would get shocked by the collar. So, the dogs learn not to bark again or else they will get shocked.
One time my classmate Liszette, explained to us that her brother told her that scientists were experimenting with monkeys. The experiment was that they would put in monkeys in a cage, in the cage they would have a ladder for the monkeys to climb, and once they would climb the ladder they would be able to reach the bananas that where on top of the ladder. So the experiment the scientist conducted was very similar to the one the scientist were doing in the book "Brave New World." When the monkey would reach for the bananas they would get shocked. And the scientist would take one of the monkeys out and put a new one in. Since the new monkey is not aware that if he climbs up the ladder and reaches for the bananas he would get shocked, he climbs it and tries to get one, but obviously he isn't able to do it since they all get shocked. And they repeat the same thing over and over. So, the monkeys that have been through the process know not to reach for the bananas and this is the same with the babies. They know that when flowers and books have been put in front of them, they are not supposed to touch them.
I personally don't agree with this. I don't think we should be testing experiment with animals, but yet I contradict myself sometimes. In order for us to advance in science we need to test things before using it in humans. So what's the only way to test it? Animals. It's very sad, but it's reality.