Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mean Girls

Many of us have watched Mean Girls before. For the ones that have, we know that 90% of what happens in this movie happens in real life. The girls involved in this movie are a bunch of materialistic, fake, "wannabe's", traitors, haters, followers, and mean girls. Most of them fall into one or two categories, some fit in into all of the ones mentioned above. This is one of my ultimate favorite movies, not only because it's amusing, but because what it's shown is so true. High school girls always pretend to be something they are not, they follow the crowd, dress like the crowd, do whatever the crowd does, just to "fit in", simply wannabe's. Following the crowd or the jocks in the school is not always a good idea, as we presence in this movie, we see that the girls get in a big arguement because of the book, where they wrote mean things about people they didn't like. Inocent people where accussed of something they didn't do. Why? Because they were trying to fit in. In Mean Girls it shows from how "your friend" steals your boyfriend and "friends" to just taking your place as the new jock of the school and making you look like a fool.

This movie, made me think about my everyday life. When I used to be in public school I noticed that more than half of the school followed the crowd. No one really showed who they really were. When people are being fake like this, it shows that you really can't trust anyone, or it makes you wonder who can you really trust. I remember not wanting to let my emotions out to anyone because I would always be scared to be the next new gossip in school. This does not necessarly just happens in public school, it happens everywhere! And no matter where, with who you are, always stay true to your self and don't pretend to be someone you're not.


  1. I agree with you that people do tend to follow the crowd to be popular and to fit in. No one wants to be the outsider that everyone looks down on in a negative way, so thats why people try hard to fit in. I have also witness it before in my old public school, but does this only happen in school? Can't situations like this happen outside of school or does this only happen in school?

  2. I agree with you because people do put on fronts to cover up from their true self. I find myself wondering why cant people can't just be themselves. Do you think this will continue forever?

  3. Exactly. I think that people are afraid to show their true selves, becuase society doesn't accpet their individuality. Unwritten law is that if you don't fit in, you won't be accepted. Human nature is to judge by appearance. Before you even meet someone, you have a vague idea of what they'll be like just by what their wearing. I know in public schools especially every "clique" dresses differently. Have you ever wondered that if people actually take the time to get to know someone before they even start to judge them, there would be less of this outcasting?
