Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Movies and Sex

A movie that had quite a bit of influence on me was "Youth in Revolt" in the movie the protagonist develops an alter ego so that a certain girl will like him more. He does this in hopes that the girl will eventually have sex with him. Although the movie is a comedy it kept stamping sex, sex, sex over and over into my head. The movie basically made me feel like i had to have sex and soon. This connects with the "feelies" in Brave New World because they are around to make the people feel like they have to have sex, it is common and natural and disliking them the way John does is considered queer and antisocial. Both these movies make the watcher feel like sex is something that must be achieved and that not acheiving it is a failure.


  1. I am not familiar with the movie but I get the big picture. I've seen similar movies where they do the same thing. Sex has become a part of our world and people expect us to follow it. Sex has probably become more and more popular through media because it promotes it and the majority of the people find it interesting to learn about sex.

    If you want other information I talked more about this topic in one of my previous blogs called "Society shouldn't be Promoting"

  2. You bring out a good point of how the society is sort of forcing sex onto the people. Sex is a very important thing in the society of Brave New World and it's almost a must. Like Alan said, I've never watched the movie but I get what you're trying to get at. I think it's a good example of how this movie affected you; it had the same effect as the the feelies do--they made you want to have sex.

    Do you think that our society is similar to the society in Brave New World in that aspect? In other words, do you think we are conditioned in the same way their society is?
