Tuesday, November 2, 2010

16 and Pregnant

A show that has really influenced my way of thinking is the show "16 and Pregnant". It makes me really scared to have sex. But then again there is a lot of peer pressure saying that I should. I know you can always have sex and use protection and still end up pregnant so that's my reasons for staying clean. Anything can happen and I'd rather be safe then sorry. The show shoes how difficult is is for those teenage mother to take care of their child and still attend school. And also relationships never work out because of the stress. And this show has made me be aware of all the things that can happen with having sex.

Many teenages are pushes into doing things that they never wanted to do in the first place. So they need to understand that NOT doing those things is fine. People won't think you are a loser or lame. Yeah of course they may say you are but I think deep down they are thinking that you are a strong person for not following the crowd. You are your own person and you should act like it.


  1. This show has also influnced me. Maybe you should talk a little bit more about the show? You should try to relate this more to your life. Do you tend to fall for peer pressure? But some people don't know who they are, they haven't found themselves so they tend to act like someone they aren't.

  2. Angelica, this is the same I feel! This show made me realize that I can destroy my life, with just one night. Since this show, I've been living in fear (literally) I really don't want to end up like the girls in the show. They didn't finish school, don't have enough money to pay life expenses, and some of them don't even have a man by their side for moral support, atleast! The fact that for some of them it was their first time, adn it happend, it just freaked me out, because I have friends that are going through the same issues. I think that sex should not be rushed, you have the right to say when you want to do it, and not be talked into doing it, because it just shows what the guy is thinking about. If a guy really loves you, he's going to be able to wait as long as you want and until you're ready, and if he can't then he wasn't even worth it in the first place, and he didn't have strong feelings towards you. People should always stay true to themselves and never fall into peer pressure, and or never follow the crowd, because if all you want is to be cool, then that is not cool!

  3. I thing what you're doing--staying pure--is a good thing. I've seen the show myself and agree with you: it's hard to raise a child when you're a child yourself. Though I think what you're doing is good, I think your motives may be wrong. If it is because you genuinely believe that being pure is what you want to do and you're not ready to explore different aspects of life, then great. However, if it's only to be different than other or so that you could say you're not following the crowd then it's not so good because you're not really doing what you want to do. Next time you do something or don't do something, ask yourself Why?

  4. I like when you make this point: Yeah of course they may say you are but I think deep down they are thinking that you are a strong person for not following the crowd.

    How can you connect this to your reading of the novel?

    Can you add a link for the show?
