Tuesday, August 31, 2010


“And this,” said the Director opening the door, “is the Fertilizing Room.” (p.3) Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

This passage shows how advance technology has become. It has advanced so much that people are cloning other human beings. In this passage, the Director of Hatcheries is giving a group of students a tour of the hatchery and is showing how this cloning process is done and how to make a successful clone.
This sort of reminds me of how in present time, humans have already cloned a animal. A sheep has been clone before, and now that scientist have done this, they would want to try something bigger and complicated (such as a human). If the cloning of a human is successful, than more humans might be cloned and who knows if the cloning will turn out to be the same as in the Brave New World.


  1. You're right. I think the society will turn out to be a society like Brave New World. Not only will you find cloning in the future, but Community, Identity, and Stability. The fact of the matter is that we're heading to the future of technology. Once you're in that future, you can never go back. If you introduce technology to a society that never had technology, like roads and buildings, they can never go back. If you build a road, the road becomes metaphorically permanent in the society.

  2. I agree with you that technology has advanced. But, I don't think that human cloning will ever happen. People have a lot of babies and by cloning humans this would just make the population bigger than it already is. Having babies is just enough. The population is big we don't want it to get bigger. Don't you think more problems will happen because of this? But, I don't think that the cloning of a human has been successful yet. But, isn't human cloning illegal?
