Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Communities Can't Be Perfect

" 'Offer them the flowers and the books again.' The nurses obeyed; but at the approach of the rosed, at the mere sight of those gaily-coloured images of pussy and cock-adoodle-doo and baa-baa black sheep, the infants shrank in horror; the volume of their howling suddenly increased."(Huxley 21)

Well to start, we have instincts that tell us not do something like stick your finger in a cup of boiling water. And after the many mistakes that we make, we learn that we shouldn't do those things anymore. And that is exactly what the people in Brave New World are doing, they are shocking the babies to show them that they shouldn't go near the books, flowers, or make loud noises. But do I think the reason they are doing it is right? I'm still thinking about that. I mean, we are always saying that we want things to be fair and stable, and in the book its actually happening and I find it a little bit harsh.
The motto of the community in the book is “Community. Identity. Stability.” And well I don't know about my other classmates, but I find it weird. I really don't like it that they torture the babies. And I wouldn't like for everyone to be the same, because being different is what make you, you. I do believe that discipline is ok to do but these babies aren't doing anything wrong. They are just trying to show them what not to do because they want to keep information from them. They don't want people's identities to be different. They want everyone the same so in order to do this they keep information and history from everyone. They do this so the people don't have questions about anything. Curiosity isn't allowed in this community.


  1. I agree with you. Babies are being altered in a cruel way to keep information. But what you are saying, makes it seem like your parents haven't conditioned you. You have been conditioned, by your parents, maybe when you were small they kept things away from you because it was to emotional or harsh for you. They conditioned the information that they thought was given to you. Read Ulises' post, it explains how parents control your life.

  2. Hmmm... how are you thinking about this in relation to your own life? Is it just parents that we are conditioned by?
