Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Am I good looking or what???

The topic of discussion is social media. In the book, Huxley describes Linda as looking old, but in the new world the people continue to look young even when they’re past 35 years old. The people in the savage society doesn’t have the technology to do so or they’re not as concerned about their looks.

My personal interpretation is appearances and looks aren’t everything, but it is important. In the savage society I get a sense of people running around half-naked with stripped cloth like clothing as if they are a step up from cavemen. Since I’ve grown accustomed to reading about the brave new world society and their outlooks of the other societies, I think about a small, uncivilized community, and a very ambiguous government, which equals no stability. In reality when I think about savages I think about people living in these conditions due to the ignorance of not wanting to become more civilized. I find the complete opposite in the new world society. I have a mind frame of portraying a very civilized and organized people. I picture them being prompt, nice looking and well dressed. As they say, “Cleanliness is next to Fordliness”.

As far as this particular issue goes, in today’s world people have their own definition of being pretty. Magazines and televisions set the standards as far as what you should do to keep yourself looking nice. Just like the people in the brave new world society we have advanced technology such as: make up and surgery to alter our appearances. Sometimes when I’m watching television and I see other people dressed nice I feel like its time for me to get dressed up too, so that I can feel good about myself. These types of things influence me to want to look nice, not only for excitement of others, but for myself.


  1. I completely agree with your points. In our society, many people have their own thoughts about the meaning of being pretty. Being pretty should not be categorized as just someone with a slim body structure or looking young when you really aren't. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. But, we have been condition to think that being beutiful is just a physical carateristic, and not internal. What media makes us think is that if a girl has weight problems, then she isn't beautiful, when at least some of us know that this isn't true. You mention how appearances and looks aren't everything, but they are important. How so? Do you think the savages aren't pretty, because they don't take care of themselves as the people form the "other" side?

  2. At times people take it to far. When we let the media control what we think we become susceptible to falling for a trap. Yes you let the media make you think you need to look nice, but isn't that the same thing addicts to surgery do? Don't they just want to look nicer? Do you think you'll ever get some type of surgery to alter your look? In Brave New World they take every advantage they can to look young. And once it's no longer possible they start to kill off people. There is a link between beauty and suicide. For people who feel they can't reach beauty life is worthless. Are we as citizens of this media controlled society in danger?

  3. Can you describe specific media or advertisements related to this topic?

    Add a page citation for BNW?
