Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Social Media

“And yet, bottled as she was, and in spite of that second gramme of soma, Lenina did not forget to take all the contraceptive precautions prescribed by the regulations. Years of intensive hypnopaedia and, from twelve to seventeen, Malthusian drill three times a week had made the taking of these precautions almost as automatic and inevitable as blinking.” (BNW 77)

In the novel Brave New World Huxley focuses in the idea of conditioning via media. The media gives people in that society an idea of how to live their life not only happily but righteously as well. One of the most noticeable ways of this can be seen is in the aspect of sex. From the beginning children are taught that it is OK to be promiscuous. The music they listen to seems to put them in the right mood for intercourse and also they are given protection and told that it’s OK to do it as long as they use their protection. The the ideas of the society are openly shown through the media. This arises contrast and similarities amongst our society and the Brave new World society.
The similarities of these societies come through the fact that both influence their people to do certain things via the media. However, while Huxley’s world is open about it, our world is not. For example, when the topic about promiscuity and sex at a young age comes to the stage, most people look down on these things with a passion. However, there are commercials such as the Trojan condoms commercials that give the message to go do these things. Contrary to what parents teach their children, these ads tell teens that it is OK to go have sex as long as they are protected. In my opinion i believe this shows the hypocrisy of our world as opposed to Huxleys’s.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with most of what you said, but do you really think the Trojan adds are aimed at teenagers? Don't you think that those adds are more for adults than anything else, after all there really is no way of saying that those adds are aimed at teens. Perhaps you could have talked about sex influence in other things such as music, movies, books, and television. It seems to be very strong in these medians.
