Monday, October 25, 2010

IMpossible Beauty

Media can influence the world to think in many ways. For me media has influenced by introducing me to what beauty is . Beauty for me used to mean having a pretty face, colored, well curved shaped body, and of course blond hair. Suddenly I realize that some girls had some of this traits, yet no one girl that I knew had all this traits. Soon I began to wonder if beauty was actually having all this traits. Now I know that the beauty that the media describes is impossible to achieve naturally. By this I mean that humans have created all these characteristics that create the perfect person, so in order to create a perfect beauty it would be impossible unless human actually create the person themselves. I saw a video at that showed that beauty is impossible to obtain unless like in the video, humans take a part in and create the perfect person. This is exactly what is happening in Brave New World. The civilized society created a prototype that all human should do a certain thing, yet if the people were to naturally create this society it will be impossible because everyone is different. However the people decided that the only way to create the perfect society they will have to create the people. That is why in the book Huxley talks about how babies are conditioned. The babies are conditioned, so they could fit t0o all the requirements put by the society. Just like in the video the people had to intervene in porder to create perfect beauty.


  1. I find it interesting how we can manage to change a person's face by using a computer. I think that both the Media and Brave New World are trying to advertise a way that a person has to be. The people are convinced that they have to be a certain way so that things go in their way.

    What do you think Bryan?

  2. It seems we have similar tastes Bryan, however what i really want to ask is if you arrived at this view of beauty yourself as you grew up and were exposed to different women or did the media influence all of it? Sometimes media only feeds what we already believe in more instead of creating that belief. I think that when this happens, it is harder to accept that your perception is not completely right because if you were told that the commercials were lies I think you might believe as opposed to arguing that you've seen first hand and therefore they are right.

  3. Bryan, we share the same opinions. I don't think that the media should be telling us how we're supposed to physically look. It's impossible for anyone to be completely happy for who they are. People can make physical changes to try to look as they want to be, but they will never end up being perfectly good enough. They would always feel like they have to go under certain procedures in order for them to fit in, with whatever new comes out. Do you think that the media is doing wrong by having some sort of guidelines for us to try to look beatiful?

  4. Can you make your link work?
