Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jane Eyre

"I dress myself with care: obliged to be plain- for I had no article of attire that was not made with extreme simplicity_ I was still by nature solicitous to be neat. It was not my habit to be disregardful of appearance, or careless of the impression i made: on the contrary, I ever wished to look as well as I could, and to please as much as my want of beauty would permit. I sometimes regretted that I was not handsomer: I sometimes wished to have rosy cheeks, a straight nose, and a small cherry mouth; I desired to be tall, stately and finely developed in figure..."(pg.100)

Sometimes I feel this way, I feel that I have to dress a certain way so I can fit in. Also sometimes I wish I was physically perfect to attract the guy that I like. I desire to have a straight nose as well; my parents make fun of my nose, and that makes me wonder if others don't like my nose. I actually would like to be a little shorter, because most guys are around my height, and I like tall boyfriends.
Personally, I believe first impressions matter, because people would criticize you by the way you look. Everyone judges you by the way you, or someone looks every day. When people compliment you, you know that they were criticizing you, because people do criticize your clothes everyday; even if you think they don't. Yet the clothes that you own don't matter; just because that girl has Gucci and you have Walt-mart doesn't mean she's going to look better because she's wearing expensive clothes. Like my mom says, "You just need to know how to match you clothes." That's all there's to it. Also, some girls think that using gallons of makeup will make them look pretty, but that's not true. In my opinion, everything natural is better, but some lip-gloss and mascara won't kill you. This is why I can relate with Jane, she wants to look as best as she can with hat she has. But wishing she was better looking won't lower her self-esteem. She just wanted to make a good impression. I mean who doesn't?


  1. I also think that first impressions are very important. People do judge you: it could be good or it could be bad but you are always getting judged. If a gangster walked into a job interview dressed all baggy then he most likely won't get the job because of the way that person is dressed.Natural is the way! I don't like wearing make-up 1) because then I'd have to wake up early to do it and i barely wake up as it is, and 2) because I want people to like me for who I am and what I look like. If they don't then I don't care because not everyone is going to like you. So about your nose--WHO CARES!!!! As long as you like yourself and don't let people bring you down by it then you're good. With me, I always got made fun of my large forehead and I used to let it get to me, but now I don't. I learned that if someone has a large forehead then they are very intelligent. So I stopped caring. So just love yourself for who you are and people will do the same.

  2. Why do you think Jane is so concerned about being plain? Do looks make a difference in life? Do good-looking people, especially if they are female, have advantages that we mere mortals don't have? I have an older sister who was considered beautiful. She won a beauty contest, for pete's sake. I saw how this make opportunities happen for her; I saw how she had potential boyfriends lined up out the door. I was always plain-looking, and definitely didn't have these supposed advantages. But I was liberated from the "beauty trap," so to speak, so I could concentrate on my mind. In some ways, my sister wasn't really expected to have a good mind (and she did!) because she was pretty. What do you think? How does this figure in your life? In Jane's?
