Monday, October 26, 2009

For Whom Are We Writing?

Today we had a good discussion about what goes in a blog (text, images, links, comments) and whom we are writing for -- for the moment our class, but possibly the wide world when we are ready to go "public." We discussed the kind of language we want to use and how this affects how people judge what we have to say. Finally, we talked about the importance of creating a positive digital footprint on the Web for all our future readers (colleges, jobs, etc.).

We agreed on the following:
Write with clarity. (Grammar and editing affect this.)
Use detail.
Write to be understood. (Avoid texting/IMing abbreviations, slang that won't be understood, etc.)
Write comfortably, as if you are having a really good conversation with someone you like to talk to.
Write for publication. (Use initial drafts to develop ideas, get feedback, clean it up.
Write about things (ideas, experiences) that you are comfortable sharing with a broader audience.

We will not doubt have more conversations about privacy on the web and building an impressive digital portfolio for your future. This is just the beginning.

I do want to caution you to relax into this somewhat, to be yourself, to share your own thoughts and reflections. Think about what you would like to read. Be yourself.

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