Friday, December 11, 2009

Grab a hold life

Grab a hold of life
Take responsibility for your own actions. Credit yourself for what you choose to do. We have control over ourselves. We need to learn to liberate ourselves of chains we tie ourselves with. In life there are too few times when things happen the way they're supposed to. Get up and fight for what you want and the way you want it. In Jane Eyre, Jane is always ready to do make choices that change her life drastically. Jane leaving Thornfield and coming back were both choices that affected her strongly. She is the perfect example of someone who takes responsibility for her own actions. The real world is a road full of different choices. Jane choosing to leave Thornfield made her a strong, self accomplished, and independent woman. Had none of this occurred she would never be the Jane we all know. The one that got everything she ever wanted. She controlled her life and was always ready to make the difficult choices. She wasn't afraid to speak out and choose between the many paths that lay before her.
Jane's strength is one of the main factors that make her an in control woman. She is able to decide for herself when things need to be done. Jane left Thornfield without saying a word because it was the only way. She knew she would never leave if she saw him. This demonstrates exactly how strong she is, she chooses to disobey her heart. She chose to leave for her own good. It was all her choice. Her love for Mr.Rochester was too strong for her will. She says,"Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt! May your eyes never shed such stormy, scalding, heart-wrung tears as poured from mine. May you never appeal to Heaven in prayers so hopeless and so agonised as in that hour left my lips: for never may you, like me, dread to be the instrument of evil to what you wholly love."(327) This was a time in the novel when Jane is feeling betrayed, lost, and utterly depressed. She has just been betrayed by her one true love and she feels used. This is when we see how strong she truly is. She's able to leave the love of her life on her own free will to respect herself. Mr.Rochester proposed that she stay and be his mistress, but did he ever offer to divorce his wife? Why couldn't things have been on Jane's terms? Jane couldn't choose for Mr.Rochester, but she can choose for herself. Since Mr.Rochester chose to give Jane no other choice she leaves, while he foolishly thought she would become his mistress. I foolishly believed that Jane was a fool for leaving. However, I was wrong, Jane made the right choice. She was strong enough to see when she was being mistreated and even stronger to choose to leave. Besides like Lizett said in her blog, “Jane is a fighter.” “Have a little faith” Jane isn't foolish enough to leave her fate without a sole master. She controls herself. She is willing to take things into her own hands.
We all have control over what happens to us. Leaving Mr.Rochester opened up a few roads for her. She was able to discover her family. Yes, her family was just miraculously found, but had she not left she would never have discovered the truth. It was her choice that led to her feeling accomplished. It was nothing other then her choice that led her to find her family. Everything is in our hands if we want it to be. Had Jane not made the choice to leave she wouldn't be the Jane we know. She wouldn't feel self accomplished. She would have felt like she says,“...full of struggle, blackness, burning!”(321) She has just been destroyed by the love of her life. And she truly did feel all this agony at one time. No human should ever feel how Jane felt. We must all learn to change the day. Like Jane make the hard choices that might tear you up inside, but will help help your inner self so much more. More, than the agony that she felt. She left and that made all the difference. She of course still felt the pain, but her absence from her love helped her discover herself. She couldn't possibly betray herself and just let Mr.Rochester make the choice for her. She as Otilio said in his blog,“ ...will not make any compromises when it comes to love.” “No Compromises” Had Jane compromised her own beliefs she would never have reached this sense of self accomplishment. Love is to be pure and true and only to happen when both partners are ready. Jane had to make the choice of refusing his proposal for her own good. KAEH says, “She tried to run away and forget her whole experience at Thornfield Hall and to tear Edward Rochester from her heart.” “At the End of the Day Destiny Prevails” My companion is delegating that Jane had no choice in this and that she merely tried to do this, while all along it was destiny controlling her fate. However, Jane didn't just try, she did leave and she didn't want to forget. She left to cleanse her sole, but with no real want to forget him. In fact, while she is leaving Thornfield she says,“Mr.Rochester, I will love you and live with you through life till death,”(325). Jane is torn about leaving her love without a word, but it was all for the best for her. Things happened as she chose for them to happen. Jane made all these choices on her own and in the end it was all for the better.
We are all our own person and it isn't in our right ignore the good we do for ourselves. If we become strong and independent people it is simply because we choose to be. We need to learn to accept the good we have done for ourselves. If we become independent as we grow it is because we choose to be. Jane became independent the moment she became a teacher. Of course, she herself didn't feel so, because she had no real life. She had no companion to share her success with. She had a thirst to live and explore and that thirst would not be quenched until she felt accomplished and became even more independent. She truly found her independence when she discovered her new found wealth. Throughout the novel we see that Jane feels a bit insecure when she is too dependent on others. For example, when she is preparing to get married to Mr.Rochester, she disliked feeling like his little princess. She didn't like the fact that people would say she was only getting married to him because of the money. Clearly after she becomes wealthy she feels more comfortable being with Mr.Rochester because it is no longer about the money. She became wealthy because of the life she's lived. Like Lizett says in her blog,“Everything that she has been through would have just been torture if nothing good had ever come from it. She had faith. She hung on from living with a cruel aunt in a magnificent home to getting her heart torn to pieces and ending up homeless.” “Have a little faith” Jane chooses to have faith and live life. We all choose and for the life she's lived some type of compensation was due. All the choices she's made have transformed her into an independent woman. She truly got everything she wanted not by mere chance, but because she chooses.
“Through all the negativities and legal system, Jane fights to find her true love and gain power in independence. I believed it happened by faith that Jane finally got married to Mr. Rochester, but that faith was influenced by Jane's will to find her true self and gain her independence from normal society.” “Time to Break Free by Marcus” In all honesty it is her faith that makes her who she is. Her faith is based on choice. She chooses to have morals and be kind and good. Her aunt was a cold heartless woman, who was the only person Jane had to look up to as an adult figure. However, Jane chose to be different. Her drive to find her true self should be inspiring to us all. It was her want to be honest with herself that lead to her being the strong, independent, self accomplished woman she is.
In life we have but two choices that will shape the rest of our life: do you take responsibility for yourself and choose to be who you are or do you ignore your own responsibility and let everything that comes your way be? Should you take life by the waste and change it if you want to? Or should you just let it fly you by as it is? In the end, whichever which way our life turns out is only because we chose it that way. As AROF said,“ is truly a gamble and you are the only thing that can better it.” “Life's a Gamble, Have fun”

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